
If you have ever had a Membership to Science Central, please log in to renew.

If you do not have a username & password, you may create one (we recommend your email as User name), or simply click here to submit a form to get help.

Memberships are good for a full 12 months, and renewals add on 12 months from the previous expiration date.

After becoming a Member of Science Central you will receive a welcome packet to your mailing address that includes your Membership cards, a current list of reciprocal science centers and museums, and any applicable information or offers.

  • To purchase a Gift Membership, the system will ask for the Giver's contact and login information and the Receiver's contact information. You may specify to have the cards sent to the Giver or the Receiver.


  • Membership is active immediately after payment. Until your Membership cards arrive, you may visit Science Central with a photo ID.



Please choose the Membership Level that best fits your needs, and thank you for supporting Science Central!



Entry Membership


To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).

Entry 2 Year membership

$225 for two years.

To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).

Deluxe Membership


To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).

Deluxe 2 Year Membership

$300 for two years.

To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).

Supporter Membership


To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here). This includes a charitable gift to support Science Central.

MAP + Entry Membership


To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).

MAP + Deluxe Membership


To learn more about the benefits associated with this Membership (click here).


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